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4 min read
What I Did Last Summer
It's September. SEPTEMBER!!! I feel this way with every turn of the calendar page but the change of seasons is sometimes shocking. It...
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2 min read
The Countdown is On!
I know we say this every year but, CAN YOU BELIEVE CHRISTMAS IS ONLY A FEW DAYS AWAY??? My sister once said to me, Tracy you can't be...
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3 min read
Cinco de Mayo!
Lunch is in the oven so thought I would catch up a bit. So much for writing a post each week...oh well. As I just told my daughter, we...
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2 min read
Monday, Monday
Brrrr, it's cold outside! Just got in from a walk with Helen and am sipping hot Earl Grey tea to warm up a bit. Oh March, you are a...
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3 min read
It's Only Been a Year!
Have you ever said, "it can't get any worse!" and then it doe?. That has been my last six weeks. Let me explain. The end of the story...
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2 min read
Nearly Spring!
Oh, the glorious weather we have had the last few days. After weeks of snow, freezing rain and cold it has warmed up to the 50's and...
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1 min read
Corrected Chart Covers
Sooooo....early this year when I was hustling to get some charts together to send for the Nashville Needlework Market, I was working very...
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3 min read
What does it take to be a real blogger?
I was thinking about my blog the other day and wondered how many posts does it take to be a legitimate blogger? I'm not sure I have met...
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2 min read
Almost October!
I recently released two little drum patterns that I am in love with!!! Love Thy Neighbor was the first design and the flowers are...
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2 min read
First Post
Hi there stitch friends! Welcome to my blog. I wanted a place to showcase my designs, discuss needlework and other obsessions and brag...
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