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Hi there stitch friends! Welcome to my blog. I wanted a place to showcase my designs, discuss needlework and other obsessions and brag about my family. Let me start by sharing a bit about me. I live in the Shenandoah Valley in western VA, but was born and raised in WV. Even though we have lived in VA for twenty years, WV will always feel like home. I will be married to the most wonderful husband (endlessly patient) for forty years in August. We have three children (Matt and wife Bri, Courtney and husband John and Elisabeth and husband Jimmy) and two awesome grandkids.

I have always had a love of making. And boy oh boy have I tried to make just about everything! Embroidery, Cross Stitch of course, soap making, garment sewing, painting, drawing, journaling, jewelry making. And so much more. I just love me made items! And I love all the things that go with each endeavor. Which can be a problem. I'm trying to downsize a bit, but I love love love my things!!! Oh well, we all have our faults!

I started designing in the early 2000s, with the help of some wonderful friends. Kathy Barrick sat me down and taught me how to use the correct software. She answered multiple phone calls and emails with kindness and grace even though I was quite pesky. Carol Sims has been the best encourager through the years. Always helping, cheering me on, prodding when I need it. Jackie Paltrow owned We Keep You In Stitches and hired me to work there not long after we arrived. Her plan was for me to work in the shop and also help the framers. Have you seen My Deer which I quickly stretched for the Nashville Needlework Market? As you might guess, I didn't last long in the framing department! I quit designing in 2009 after a series of family events. I started working full time with two hours of commuting each day and couldn't keep up. Lucky me, my company offered a buy out last spring and I jumped at the chance to retire! So here I am, designing again, releasing some of my older designing and also new ones as well.

I'm so happy that you are joining me on this journey!


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Well you know I still love to blog- happy to see you branching out with your love of needlework designing again too ~


Jun 25, 2020

Glad to see someone else blogging. I have been holding on and using IG as well. I guess old habits die hard. Look forward to seeing your designs.


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